The social purpose of Conser S.c.c.p.A., a services consortium of the 1st Macrolotto Industriale of Prato, a joint-stock cooperative consortium company, is the valorisation of the investments made by the members through the implementation of voluntary and continuous improvement programs for the entire area.
A natural corollary of this objective, clearly indicated by the members and the statute, is that these programs must produce economies of scale capable of making them more competitive on the global market.
The company, in compliance with the consortium principles, carries out its non-profit and private speculation activity in favor of its consumer members or users of goods or services and has as its priority objective:
- the management and maintenance, directly or through third parties, of the centralized wastewater recycling plant;
- the management and maintenance, directly or through third parties, of the relevant industrial aqueduct and related boosting systems;
- the priority supply, directly or through third parties, of the water produced by the above-mentioned systems at a pressure such as to ensure the centralized fire prevention service is always functioning within the 1st Macrolotto area;
- the priority supply, directly or through third parties, of the water produced by the above-mentioned plants to the hydro-demanding companies operating in the 1st Macrolotto;
- takes care of the representation and coordination of members in relations with local authorities for all matters relating to the 1st Macrolotto area.